In the News

FPO: Eye on Augusta: Legislature Considers Student Debt Legislation

… Meanwhile, Sen. Katz and Senate President Justin Alfond (D-Portland) have both submitted proposals that would pursue a student loan policy based on Oregon’s “Pay It Forward, Pay It Back” pilot project. Starting in 2015, students are eligible to attend Oregon state colleges tuition-free under the condition that they agree to pay back a small...

BDN: Democrats trying to grow ‘bipartisan coalition’ to expand MaineCare

… “We clearly want to have a veto-proof majority once it comes to the Senate,” said State Senate President Justin Alfond, D-Portland. He said at least three Republicans in the Senate were likely to support an expansion under the right conditions. With those three, 19 Democrats and one independent, Alfond has to muster just one...

PDS: Proposed General Assistance restrictions spur outcry

… After the press conference, Maine Sen. Justin Alfond, D-Portland, said, “This administration continues to go after the poorest of the poor, the people with almost no options, and it’s just so contrary to what the governor has said multiple times, that Maine needs to be a welcoming place.” Maine’s immigrants need help to gain...

PDS: MaineCare expansion scheduled for legislative hearing

… Maine Sen. Justin Alfond, D-Portland, the Senate President, said in an interview Friday, “I’m very hopeful; with Medicaid expansion, we’ve been doing some wonderful work with our colleagues across the aisle to get the final votes to make this successful in Maine so 70,000 people can get health care coverage.” … Click here to...

PHX: Hospital muscle could override LePage veto

… The Medicaid expansion is “absolutely” the most important issue in the session, says Justin Alfond, Senate president. The debate on it, he adds, will take place “right away.” There’s “a great sense of urgency” about the issue, agrees Mark Eves, House speaker. Both Alfond and Eves — interviewed separately in their offices — calculate...

PDS: Funding for start-up businesses focus of Sen. Alfond’s legislation

A measure that would allow Maine businesses to sell equity as a means to raising start-up capital received broad support during a public hearing in front of the legislature’s Insurance and Financial Affairs committee Wednesday, according to a legislative press release. The measure, “An Act To Increase Funding for Start-ups,” is sponsored by Senate President...