Senate President Alfond on Bill Green's Maine

Senate President Alfond on Bill Green’s Maine

Senate President Justin Alfond talks with Bill Green about his life and his plans for the 126th Maine Senate.
Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Justin Alfond is joined by Senator Michael Thibodeau, House Speaker Mark Eves and Representative Ken Fredette on Maine Watch to discuss the upcoming legislative session. Watch New Legislative Session on PBS. See more from Maine Watch with Jennifer Rooks.
District 8 Legislative Update - Revenue Report

District 8 Legislative Update – Revenue Report

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As we move into the holiday season and buy gifts for our loved ones, it's important to remember our friends and neighbors that own and run small businesses here in Portland and in Maine. By making a conscious effort to purchase your gifts...
Latest entries

Senate Gives Initial Passage to “Crowdinvesting” measure

President Alfond’s bill opens door for more Mainers to invest in local start-ups AUGUSTA – On Thursday morning, a measure allowing Maine businesses to sell securities as a means to raise start-up capital while maintaining Maine’s strong consumer and investor protection laws received initial approval from the Senate. “Maine is a great place to start...

LePage touts stale rhetoric, failed divisive ideas in State of the State

Governor proposes same old divisive policies that will hurt the middle class, grow income inequality AUGUSTA — Governor Paul LePage delivered tired messages and divisive policy proposals that would harm the middle class and stunt income equality on Tuesday rather than using his State of the State address to offer productive solutions for Maine. LePage...

Democrats Release Video in Advance of LePage’s State of the State

Alfond says: “There’s plenty of room for disagreement but when political rhetoric trumps good policy, no one wins.” Hello. I’m Senate President Justin Alfond. Tonight, Governor Paul LePage will deliver the State of the State to the Legislature and to the people of Maine. For those of you who listen tonight, you may agree with...

Democratic Leaders Stand Strong on Commitment to Maine Towns

GOP “Surprise Vote” Claims Not True AUGUSTA – Top Democratic leaders in the State Legislature issued the following statement on the budget-writing committee’s vote yesterday to restore municipal revenue sharing cuts. “Since day one, Democrats have made clear that keeping our promise to our towns was a top priority and one that we would address...

Student Hunger Radio Address

Lawmakers have a second chance to feed Maine’s hungry kids so they too can have a fair shot at school and in life The state of Maine made it to the top of the list. We rank third. Unfortunately, it’s a list that we’d rather not be on. And, frankly, shouldn’t be on. Maine has...

College Affordability and Degree Attainment Measure Receives Strong Public Support

Endorsed by students, higher ed and lending institutions alike AUGUSTA—On Wednesday, Senate President Justin Alfond’s measure to make college more affordable and increase degree attainment for Maine students, received strong support during a public hearing in front of the Legislature’s Education Committee. “Every year the cost of college goes up and its putting a financial...